Invest in mortgage-
backed loans

Credory is a back-to-back Estonian company, with Estonian founders, company registered in Estonia and serving Estonian based businesses.

Invest in mortgage-backed loans
Credory is a back-to-back Estonian company, with Estonian founders, company registered in Estonia and serving Estonian based businesses.

Credory offers business loans and we only specialize in mortgage-backed loans. Our main clients are SMEs who wish to apply for a loan up to 500 000€ and pledge real estate collateral that is located in Estonia. Credory operates as a mortgage lender therefore our business activities are regulated by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit.

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Our story

Company launch Q4


Loan portfolio 2021

1.4 m EUR

Loan portfolio 2022

3.65 m EUR

Loan portfolio 2023

4.80 m EUR

The idea of Credory was born in search of an investment opportunity that is low risk and has real estate collateral. The foundation of Credory is its two founders, whose

accumulated experience from the last 15+ years helps to form a credit provider with balanced financial decisions and firsthand knowledge of the real estate market.

Reasons to invest in Credory

All issued loans have real estate collateral

Only 1 rank mortgage is acceptable

Conservative LTV levels(max 75%)

At least 10% skin in the game in every issued loan

Regular interest payments

Experienced and trustworthy team

Contact us to ask for more information


    Endrik Eller

    Investor Relations / Partner

    Developed by Reaktiiv